Service Offices - Whats the story

Its one of the fastest growing industries and that is predicted to carry on. What is the appeal? Why are businesses choosing a serviced office over a leased office direct with the landlord?


Businesses are signed into a 12 months agreement rather than 5 year lease. Most businesses find it hard to predict 5 years ahead, what is you out grow the space? how hard will it be to get out of the lease?

The second largest expense to a SME after staff salaries is normally the premise, office or desk that member of staff is located in. What many businesses are choosing to do now is ditch the large office in the city that many commute too, instead, offering staff the flexibility of working from home. They are choosing to have smaller serviced office facilities in the areas staff are located, in the places like Essex, Surrey and Kent. This is much more cost effective for businesses than large leased office in London.


Business owners are putting their most important asset first, the people, their staff. Giving back time to the workers by reducing the commute time is one of the best methods of increasing staff retention. People want flexibility in their work days now and businesses can offer this through serviced offices and co-working facilities without losing the ‘team’ feel of a company.

If you would like to discuss how we can help your business become more flexible, drop us an email


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